Hye all..
diz is line following robot.. 2nd assignment during da Robocon Workshop!
We had sacrificed our semester break 4 diz robot!
And our sleeping too..
But at least it works! Although it is not genius enough! hahhaha....
N now I admit that I've started to love robots!
hahaha.. padan muke.. hehehe...
neway thanks for joining it...
emm.. aku pun dah jatuh hati dgn robot...emm tapi robot tak pernah amik tahu perasaan aku.. huhuhuhuh
Laaa... Da nme pown robot..
Mesti la xkan penah amik tau perasaan kte..
tahu robot takkn amik tahu prasaan aku... lebih baik suka pada robot drp manusia...
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